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On 4/12/2024 at 12:50 PM, BlackCrow said:

Hi @metacreo , ty for your help.

Can you explain to me which criteria are used to block an ip?
I don't quite understand this process yet.
I can register accounts, but then there is nothing under Customers > SS Action.
However, some bots have already been successfully blocked there.
I also tried to register for the newsletter with a normal e-mail address - error message: Bot or invalid traffic detected. Connection prohibited.
So it is no longer possible to register for the newsletter. However, the account registration and login work fine.

Your SS Actions table is always empty or just on registration? Probably your PS version too old and not have separate registration controller.

Try new 1.0.6 with small corrections of logic.

If IP or Email is blocked or is set to never, no more records in table. Checked last record only for blocked or whitelisted conditions.
If IP or Email have zero condition in table, all related checks performed always and if detected bot (for example), IP is blocked.

    private $_block_ip = 0; // 0 - not blocked, 1 - blocked, 2 - never block
    private $_block_email = 0; // 0 - not blocked, 1 - blocked, 2 - never block
    public function hookActionSubmitAccountBefore($params)
        $this->_redirect = $this->_action = 'registration';
        if (!$this->_errors) {
            return true;

    private function checkAuthAndReg()
        if (!$this->checkIsBlocked()) {
            $this->_attempt = $this->getAttemptsCount();
            if (($this->_attempt .... {
                if ($this->_block_ip !== 2 && $this->_block_email !== 2) {
                    $this->_errors[] = $this->l('Temporarily prohibited. Please try again in a few minutes.');
                $this->_detected[] = 'warn';
            if ($this->_attempt ....) {
                if ($this->_block_ip !== 2 && $this->_block_email !== 2) {
                    $this->_errors[] = $this->l('Prohibited. Please contact site administrator.');
                    $this->_block_ip = 1;
                $this->_detected[] = 'ban';
        if (!$this->_errors) {
        } else {

Function store data runs only if not blocked.

    private function storeData()
        if ($this->_block_ip === 2 || $this->_block_email === 2) {

and storeData self checks for witelisting....

About newsletter is just a bug, just my themes not used ajax for newsletter and I  missed this moment. Now it fixed.



On 4/12/2024 at 12:50 PM, BlackCrow said:

Hi @metacreo , ty for your help.

Can you explain to me which criteria are used to block an ip?
I don't quite understand this process yet.
I can register accounts, but then there is nothing under Customers > SS Action.
However, some bots have already been successfully blocked there.
I also tried to register for the newsletter with a normal e-mail address - error message: Bot or invalid traffic detected. Connection prohibited.
So it is no longer possible to register for the newsletter. However, the account registration and login work fine.

Your SS Actions table is always empty ?

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