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Same prices but different currencies

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I got a bit of a problem.

When i change currencies, the price remain the same, even though its different currency.

So when its 59 DKR, its also 59 euro - which is quite expensive :)

So why doesnt my prestashop convert the prices? I have made the currency under euro and all that - but still doesnt work?

Please help me with this!

Thanks in advance



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I think this is the specification of PrestaShop.
When it comes to multiple currencies support, we must have a base currency.
The default currency of store will be used as the base currency.
The price of product in catalog is in default currency.

So if your catalog price was set as one currency, but you changed to other currency, you will have to update the price manually.

One that it done, other currency will be automatically displayed and calculated with the exchange rate you set at currency setting pages.

Hope this hlpe.

If you have a lot of products, you need to change the price with specific rate, you can use the SQL statement, it will make your life easy.

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Thanks for your reply.. But i dont think this is it - or maybe i already have done what you say.

I have DKK as the default currency, and euro calculated out from this.

See the pictures - maybe you have the solution?




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yes, I confirmed what you said. but it is really weird.
without looking into code, it is difficult to figure out what is the problem.

what I can imagine is that the theme is not correct.
can you switch back to default PrestaShop theme to see if the problem persist.
if there is no problem when you switch to use PrestaShop default theme, then we can see it is the theme issue.

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You could be right.. Im not home right now, but i just tried to change to the default theme - and the backoffice wont let me?

Wtf is up with that? This is starting to get a bit wierd... Everytime i choose the default and press Save, it says that its saved, but has still my original theme.

Do you think the theme is the one thing giving me a hard time?

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I dont feel confortable with the procedure you are requesting.. Im to afraid to f*** something up.

Can i get you to try to login, and do some tests?

You would make me so happy ! :)

Thanks for your help this far..

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I got PM messages.
I just checked your site, I am pretty sure it is the theme issue.

If you use IE, you will find the Javascript error occurs for those product there is an currency issue.
See attached screenshot

I think this error prevent the script to update the price in other currency.


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