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[SOLVED] Restoring db

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There is a 'DB backup' tool in the BO (or alternatively phpMyAdmin export can be used), but there is not 'DB restore' in BO (?)
So how do i import an entire db if the actual one gets corrupt ?


i'm trying to import a db into one (localhost) test prestashop exported from another (server) test prestashop.

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You can use the backup file exported from PrestaShop to import it into a new database via database tool, such as PhpMyAdmin.

The backup file is just a bunch of SQL statement.

Please make sure
1 .you have choose to back up all tables, because by default it will skip some tables.
2. If you are using 1.4 and you are importing to different server.
After import, you need to change two configuration records that related domain name,

Check my blog here for more detail on domain name changes.

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hmm could you please explain which steps in phpMyAdmin i should take..

i want to import the db from my domain server to the ps installed on my localhost (the first has only a few test products, the second contains just original testing products from the ps installation).

i went to 'mydatabase' in phpMyAdmin on the localhost, selected 'import' (selected sql file exported by phpMyAdmin of the PS from the domain server, and it stuck there..

the both db'ses have the same name.



Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\phpMyAdmin\libraries\sqlparser.lib.php on line 525

maybe i should delete the old db first, but to what i import the new one then ?
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after emptying the db i succeeded to import the new one.

i just had to copy the img/p folder too, and everything looks fine :)

thanks a lot once again.

just 1 more question.
can i instead of .sql file (exported by phpMyAdmin), import an sql.bz2 file (exported by PS backup tool)?
i just want to save time by asking you and not trying myself :)

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