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Alternative for Home Text Editor?

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I really needed a tool like the Home Text Editor module to change the homepage of my site, but it seems impossible to use it.

I use the HTML editor of that tool to paste html code that I make in Dreamweaver. If I use tables, a border appears in the browser, even if Border="0".

Then I used HTML Divs, put a border around the image, the border doesn't appear in the browser...

If I use HTML Div's, nothing appears in Internet Explorer, only some parts of my images.

Tried to put the border with same colour as the background, the border doesn't change, it's always the same horrible border.

I really really need this kind of tool for the homepage, looked for similar tools to put HTML code into, but only found block modules, not for the homepage.

Any help will be much appreciated.

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  • 1 month later...

I hear ya'! I have been doing exactly what you are doing and am searching now for a way to get rid of the borders. I ended up creating 550 width flash files and even then i had problems if i wanted to put them above or below text - forget about using columns all together. what did at least work for me was going into dreamweaver and putting text in a table then above or below it i would put the flash file or whatever. for some reason, it doesn't work to put text and flash together in a table whether it's in the same row or different ones. TOTAL PAIN IN THE ASS to do and it'll be more difficult to change things, but it is a fix of some sort if that's helpful. i REALLY hope someone responds to your posting, though I won't hold my breath. I have had something like 2 people respond to 20 questions I've posted. If you figure anything out, please let me know and I'll do the same.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm looking for an alternative too!

I want the ability to have a timed home page text, with a start date and end date during which this page will be used, and a default page which displays any other time.

Perhaps there are other block modules that can be used on the home page to accomplish the same thing?

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