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Order validation error : Cannot use a scalar value as an array


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i get the following error in some (not all) paypal payments:

Order validation error : Cannot use a scalar value as an array; File: /homepages/4/d808779059/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/MyeCommerce/classes/Tools.php; Line: 4005;

There is also a bank wirement with a similar error message.

The problem is that no invoice is created, and if i want to do this manually, in debug mode, the message appears: : [ErrorException Code 0]: Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type float

Have you any ideas to fix that? And why is it just in some cases?

Thank you

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1 hour ago, johannes-witram said:


i get the following error in some (not all) paypal payments:

Order validation error : Cannot use a scalar value as an array; File: /homepages/4/d808779059/htdocs/clickandbuilds/PrestaShop/MyeCommerce/classes/Tools.php; Line: 4005;

There is also a bank wirement with a similar error message.

The problem is that no invoice is created, and if i want to do this manually, in debug mode, the message appears: : [ErrorException Code 0]: Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type float

Have you any ideas to fix that? And why is it just in some cases?

Thank you

As a bug report, this is almost useless.

 - what is your Prestashop version?

 - can you provide screendumps of those errors so that we see the context?

 - you talk about "a bank wirement with a similar error message". Similar is not the same. Thus different. Thus another screendump and error report are needed.

 - "if i want to do this manually, in debug mode, the message appears: : [ErrorException Code 0]". This sounds like an Ajax error. See here how to debug that.

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the bug came after the upgrade of 1.7.6 to 8.1.2.

looking at the paypal payment process, you see screenshot 1 (at the bottom).

when i try to create an invoice or to change the status of the order, the message is seen in screenshot 2 (in the middle).

on trying to create an invoice for the order with bank wirement, you see screenshot 3 (the upper one).




Edited by johannes-witram (see edit history)
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