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"Prestashop could not connect to FEDEX webservice"

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Hi, Having initially added this to a similar thread, I've decided that as it's a different error, I should really start a new thread, I hope that the duplication doesn't cause a problem

Having signed up for a test API key from Fedex, I am trying to get the Fedex module to work with the Sandbox API. having entered the required details, I receive the error “Prestashop could not connect to FEDEX webservices : Fedex Webservice seems to be down, please wait a few minutes and try again.” This has been consistently happening for several days now, so I don't think it is as it appears a glitch on Fedex's part

If I change any of the configuration values, the error changes appropriately (e.g. changing my account number gives me and error of “Error 860 : Account and meter number aren’t consistent.”) So communication is obviously happening with FedEx, which in turn is on some level validating the sandbox credentials.

Can anyone confirm a) That they have the Fedex module working at the moment, or have the services been changed since the module was written?

B) whether the module should work with the Sandbox / Test account facility offered by FedEx?

c) whether the Fedex module has problems for locations outside the US (I'm in the UK).

thanks in advance!


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OK, can anyone confirm if the module *did* work for them? Was any of the testing during development done with a sandbox API key?

I'm more than happy to help fix this if there is some coding required, but I'd like to make sure that I'm not just using it incorrectly.

The ability to quote for international shipping on the fly is one of the big pulls for my customer to upgrade to 1.4+ (as he sells a lot of large items - Snowboards, canoes, etc. the shipping is not generally straightforward once people want things shipped overseas). Fedex looks the better option as UPS are dragging their heels over access and have now announced that they require minimum numbers of shipments for API usage (but helpfully won't tell me what those minimums are...)

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Right, I've made some progress on this one, but I'm still not getting anywhere. Pointers would be very much appreciated as this is turning into a big headache for me by now,,,

I've upgraded to Prestashop, to see if there were any fixes that would help. I've entered the required credentials in the module setup page. I've no longer got the "Prestashop could not connect to FEDEX webservice" error, but I've still got no joy establishing any service. Thanks to HyperConx I've updated the URL in the RateService_v9.wsdl file to talk to the sandbox correctly.

If I select a pickup type of Request Courier, I am given an error of "Error 1000 : Authentication Failed"
If I select a pickup of Regular Pickup, I'm met with "Error 868 : Service is not allowed."

In looking through the files in the module directory, I see that config.xml contains an option of


I've tried setting this to uk and gb, however this has made no change.

So, any help appreciated,

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Hmmm, just had an email back from FedEx EMEA:

API's are in containment at the moment as we are moving to 'Web Services'

Domestic Rating (UK to UK) is not services available from FedEx at the
moment also

I hope this helps

I can live without the UK->UK quotes, as we're happy for that to be flat rate, but does the first part confirm that noone will be able to use the FedEx module at the moment? Or is Prestashop working on the new "Web Services"?
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  • 4 months later...

I get the same error: Error 868 : Service is not allowed.


My only explanation so far is the built in module asks for the API key and FEDEX only send

you a Athentication Key not API key. They're suggesting APi migration on their webpage so maybe that's why new customers like myself don't get an API key? Or is the Athentication Key supposed to work

as the API key? Either way by entering all the info such as Meter number, Account number, Auth key and Password I cannot acces their service and make the Fedex shipping options visible in the cart.


Anyone closer to an answer?

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