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Error Log Query


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Hi again,

Sorry to be a pest but busy exploring after upgrade to PS8.1.2

If I check in my sites error log I am finding a binch of these (only included 2 but there are about 20)


[Fri Dec 08 16:12:51.698347 2023] [authz_core:error] [pid 1382:tid 1547] [client 66.x.x.x:41905] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /var/www/html/mysite.co.uk/img/p/9/9/0/5/0
[Fri Dec 08 16:29:19.547810 2023] [authz_core:error] [pid 1380:tid 1451] [client 66.x.x.x:62575] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /var/www/html/mysite.co.uk/img/p/1/0/1/7/5/8


I know server configuration is usually related to apache but the directories that are being referenced don't exist.


E.G. If I try to go to this one img/p/9/9/0/5/0 I get img > p > 9 > 9 > 0 > 5 > empty folder....there is no > 0 so its no wonder access is denied


I'm not even sure what is making the call to these directories

Do I need to regenerate thumbnails/images?

Design/Image Settings are as far as I know as per default (I've certainly never changed them)

Or is it something else?


Any guidance greatfully accepted.








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