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Module ps_checkout - Expected an order id to be passed


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7 hours ago, iamtheboss said:

This module is a total shit, we have same error... No way...


And is totally random, sometime it work, sometime no, depend of the hours of the day...

I have the same problem... remove and reinstall the model is not working

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The message "Expected an order id to be passed" suggests that the module isn't receiving the necessary order information. This could be due to a configuration issue or a bug in the module.


we do not recommend ps checkout, remove it and install payment modules...ps checkout some say works, but it does not.

El Patron, your suggestion to remove PS Checkout and use alternative payment modules is practical. Sometimes, switching to a more reliable module can save a lot of headaches.

There are several alternative modules to the PrestaShop PS Checkout that you can consider for your online store:  One Page Checkout PS, Stripe Official, PayPal, Mollie Payments,  Authorize.Net.

These modules are known for their reliability and ease of use. Have you tried any of these before, or do you have a preference for a particular payment gateway?

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Is a prestashop server problem, is not our side problem.

They need to solve this, is only their fault, not our side fault.

We have prestashop and module verison it let us download is PrestaShop Checkout v6.3.6.3 and it is bugged also today


Yesterday it was working, and today full day not working


We have report this and there isn't any support, nobody answer in the prestashop support...

Edited by iamtheboss (see edit history)
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47 minutes ago, iamtheboss said:

Is a prestashop server problem, is not our side problem.

They need to solve this, is only their fault, not our side fault.

We have prestashop and module verison it let us download is PrestaShop Checkout v6.3.6.3 and it is bugged also today


Yesterday it was working, and today full day not working


We have report this and there isn't any support, nobody answer in the prestashop support...

In theory they have released an update that fixes the problem... they did it a couple of days ago...

I have installed it and everything works correctly now. https://github.com/PrestaShopCorp/ps_checkout/releases

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maybe, but the problem is when we download the module for our prestashop it download this version PrestaShop Checkout v6.3.6.3 and it is bugged also today

We have prestashop and module verison it let us download is PrestaShop Checkout v6.3.6.3

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  • v6 for PS 1.6
  • v7 for PS 1.7
  • v8 for PS 8.x

Last update of v6 and v7 are last April, seems they forget to keep update for both of this version.

But to be honest, I'm surprised they updated the module for PS 1.6 until now, since this version is discontinued (a bit the same for 1.7)

Edited by yama (see edit history)
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