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Problem with Image Mapping

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I have the following problem with the image mapping feature. If I add an image mapping to a category no products are shown anymore and the cart disapears as well. Can someone tell me if this is a bug or if I do something wrong. The category iPods for example is properly shown.

I would appreciate any hints and tipps!


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Hi, I reported this as a bug. If you have the same problem either delete the map on the image or add a product image to the linked product.

Bug Report:

If an image map is created and the map links to a product which has no pictures available then the frontend does not load properly anymore as the scene can not determine the size of the pictures etc. Actually the php executions stops when handling the scene: " <!-- Scenes -->
[removed]// <![CDATA[
i18n_scene_close = 'Close';
$(function () {
li_width = parseInt(161 + 10);



Nothing is loaded anymore after this

Tag. If a picutre is added to the linked product or if the maps are removed, the page loads properly again.

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