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Product sku on the success page

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Hello, I need to add a tracking script to the success page (ShopALike) and it asks me to insert this script.


<!-- Shopalike.it  code for sales tracking -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  var vmt_pi = {
    'trackingId': 'it-7GQPIM77QC', // Tracking ID, parametro fornito da Visual Meta
    'version': 'a_0.0.1', // Versione del Sales Tracking implementata
    'type': 'confirmed', // Identifica il tipo di pagina, ovvero la pagina di checkout dell'ordine
    'amount': {$order.totals.total_including_tax.amount}, // Valore netto del carrello (tasse escluse)
    'skus': ['12345-05-WHT-XL', '12345-05-WHT-L','12345-05-WHT-S'], // Codice articolo dei prodotti in carrello, separati da una virgola
    'prices': [5.49, 10.00, 5.00], // Prezzo dei prodotti in carrello nello stesso ordine, separati da una virgola
    'currency': 'EUR' // Valuta

<script type="text/javascript">
    var vmt = {};
    (function(d, p) {
        var vmtr = d.createElement('script');
        vmtr.type = 'text/javascript';
        vmtr.async = true;
        var cachebuster = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
        vmtr.src = ('https:' == p ? 'https' : 'http') + '://www.shopalike.it/controller/visualMetaTrackingJs?cb=' + cachebuster;
        var s = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
        s.parentNode.insertBefore(vmtr, s);
    })(document, document.location.protocol);

My doubt is how to insert a foreach for sku's and product prices. Could you please help me? Thanks

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