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Language selector not working on single click.


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PrestaShop version: 1.7.5

PHP version : 7.1.33

max_execution_time: 3000

post_max_size: 516M


My website has 2 languages French (fr) - Default and English.

When I choose "fr" from the language options, the website shows up in French. However, if I'm already on the French version and click the English (En) language option, only part of the website gets translated into English. But, if I click the English option again, then the entire website is translated into English.


The issue is with English language selector i did not find any issue related with translation with debug true.

On first click of English language selector some of the content shown using if (language_id_eng == xx) English else French endif

but string translated using {l s='Shopping Cart' d='Shop.Theme.Checkout'} are not translated along with header, sidebar, main body and footer.

The problem is with the English language option. I haven't found any issues when debugging is turned on. When I click the English language option for the first time, some content shows up in English, and it seems to depend on whether the language is English or French [ if (language_id_eng == xx) English else French endif ] . However, strings translated using "{l s='Shopping Cart' d='Shop.Theme.Checkout'}" and other parts like the header, sidebar, main body, and footer are not getting translated.


Thank you in advance.



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