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[SOLVED]Module psgdpr - how to hide some fields in PDF export


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I installed version 8.1 to see if I can update a store that I have in an older version, still without GDPR. Right now, I'm facing an issue because I would like to hide some fields in the PDF generated by the 'psgdpr' module, and I'm not able to (they are not used in Portugal, customers don't see them on registration form).


I've figured out that what generates the PDF is in the following path:



Can you help me figure it out where to find $customerData and remove the 'CNPJ/Ape...' fields from the PDF? They are not used in Portugal!

I don't know much about PrestaShop's language/architecture; I only understand a bit of HTML and CSS. However, since I'm a programmer in another software, I try to solve everything myself, as it is a very small store, and I handle everything! Thank you.

Edited by kittysgifts
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