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The file is: "themes/classic/templates/customer/_partials/customer-form.tpl" (or your custom theme folder) but there is a loop going through the "formfields" which are defined somewhere and pushed in that template. You could go through them and identify their names and put {if} condition not to display them, something like (but you need to identify the key and name of the fields yourself):

{foreach from=$formFields item="field"}

{if $field.name ne "password" && $field.name ne "birthday"}

{block "form_field"}

{form_field field=$field}







The file is: "themes/classic/templates/customer/_partials/customer-form.tpl" (or your custom theme folder) but there is a loop going through the "formfields" which are defined somewhere and pushed in that template. You could go through them and identify their names and put {if} condition not to display them, something like -(but you need to identify the key and name of the fields yourself)-:

{foreach from=$formFields item="field"}

{if $field.name ne "password" && $field.name ne "birthday"}

{block "form_field"}

{form_field field=$field}







The file is: "themes/classic/templates/customer/_partials/customer-form.tpl" (or your custom theme folder) but there is a loop going through the "formfields" which are defined somewhere and pushed in that template. You could go through them and iudentify their names and put {if} condition not to display them, something like (but you need to identify the key and name of the fields yourself):


{foreach from=$formFields item="field"}

{block "form_field"}

===={if $field.name != "password"}====

{form_field field=$field}






The file is: "themes/classic/templates/customer/_partials/customer-form.tpl" (or your custom theme folder) but there is a loop going through the "formfields" which are defined somewhere and pushed in that template. You could go through them and iudentify their names and put {if} conditiond not to display them, something like (but you need to identidy the key and name of the fields yourself):


{foreach from=$formFields item="field"}

{block "form_field"}

===={if $field.name != "password"}====

{form_field field=$field}






The file is: "themes/classic/templates/customer/_partials/customer-form.tpl" but there is a loop going through the "formfields" which are defined somewhere and pushed in that template. You could go through them and iudentify their names and put {if} conditiond not to display them, something like (but you need to identidy the key and name of the fields yourself):


{foreach from=$formFields item="field"}

{block "form_field"}

===={if $field.name != "password"}====

{form_field field=$field}




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