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Looking for module that export's whole shop


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It is not only the database and the ps_shop_url table, but also the changes in the ps_configuration table.

It is necessary to edit the .htaccess file as well as the connection to the database in the ./app/config/parameters.php folder
However, this is not a problem either.

To unpack the zip file and edit everything needed, a php script would be written to arrange everything.

The only problem can be the size of the files on FTP. The biggest problem is with the number of products and product images. The ./img/p folder can be large.

Everything can be done 😉


Edited by ps8moduly.cz (see edit history)
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I did download directories img, modules, themes and did export/import database from prod to my local env

After import db I changed ps_shop_url from prod to dev and disabled ssl in ps_configuration but by front office redirects somehow to ssl version and saying "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR" however my back office shows login page but somehow whenever I enter valid login/password combination I get error saying that it is wrong combination...

What should I do to access my backoffice and fix frontoffice?

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As I wrote, the parameters.php file should also have been transferred and then the information about the new database changed in it. If necessary, you need to take the cookie key parameter from the original file. Why can't you log in? Because the cookie key is different. The password check is md5 consisting of the cookie key followed by your password. The next thing that is needed is to change the .htaccess file. It will contain links to the old subdomain.

Edited by ps8moduly.cz (see edit history)
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Thank you for guiding me with parameters and cookie hash. It worked! I finally get in to back office. Unfortunatelly I can't get to front office. entering url "http://localhost:{port}" I get redirected to ssl version and get error "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR". I changed PS_SSL_ENABLED to 0 in ps_configuration db. What should I do next?


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PrestaShop has built-in CSV file data import, such as Categories, Products, Combinations, Customers, Address, Brands, Suppliers, Alias, Store Contacts. This plug-in will automatically be compatible with the above formats and export store CSV files.

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