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Redirecting from existing page (Blog page 404 not found)


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For some reason, my PrestaShop is not finding my Blog page anymore. I don't understand the reason because nothing was changed.

As you can see in this link it works "https://scufita-rosie.ro/blog/author" tand here is a /blog there, but it just can't connect to it. Everything else work but not the main root to https://scufita-rosie.ro/blog.

I could be the SEO maze that was created for this shop but everything seems to be ok. I'v added the configuration of friendly URLs for the site hoping someone could help me with this.


I added some print screens with the addons settings i have



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I feel so embarrassed about this. It took me 2 hours of searching and reconfiguring SEO rules / friendly URLs and wasted your time just to find out that it's fine. I deleted catch and cookies, but for some reason it got stuck in chrome and just couldn't find the page. When i saw you replay that it works fine, it occurred to me that i didn't try another browser (as one usually does just for this scenario) and got lost in the problem. Well, this feels as bad as it does good.

Thank you, kind sir!


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