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Category Page is empty!! (Solved)


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Hi! I have a huge problem with a page i have been working on. I've been traying to hide the subcategories in the Category Page in order to show the products directly. I comented the producto_list.tpl as everobody say in this foro and nothing happends. After a few days trying i finally surrended and today, after setting the reassurence block, when i went to see the results i found that the products pages appears full empty as you can see in the image.

After that i have remove the edited tlp script and upload the original ones and i have deleted the cache but it still appears empty.

I hope somebody had this problem and knows how to resolve it because i do nos have any idea about whats next.

(I also hope my english is not extremelly bad so you can understand me)

Thank you!


Edited by beluafi.ilustracion (see edit history)
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