Also, before hiding these buttons, by the way, I decided to just make the css code in this form:
button { opacity: 0; transition: 0.8s; } button:hover { opacity: 1; }
And so, before hiding, I would like to transfer these items from the screenshot that I attached below to the main page for adding products, that is, as it was in the prestashop 1.6 version. I need to transfer the items Quantity, Price and Price per kg. Where can I find it and how can I transfer it so as not to break anything?
Now, when I add or remove something from the html.twig codes, nothing happens, in order for something to start happening, I have to delete the lines that synchronize step1-step6 in
the src/PrestaShopBundle/Form/Admin/Product/ folder.
You should just try to change something yourself on the product addition page so that you understand me and my problem)
This is very unclear and difficult, besides for me, as for a beginner in the field of programming! I just learned the essence of js, and then php and symfony attacked me!