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[solved] Ps 1.7.8 Product title truncate, no action increments characters


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I'm on Prestashop 1.7.8 and I trying to increase the character limit for product titles, which are very long in my case. I have tried several solutions found here on the forum but none seem to work, even cleaning the cache from BO or deleting the cache folder. There is no CSS side block.

For example on product.tpl from




Up until 1.7.2 I always did it without problems by modifying the product.tpl file.


What else could I try? Thanks to anyone who has helpful suggestions.


Edited by @diegofrancesco
solved (see edit history)
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1 godzinę temu, @diegofrancesco napisał:


I'm on Prestashop 1.7.8 and I trying to increase the character limit for product titles, which are very long in my case. I have tried several solutions found here on the forum but none seem to work, even cleaning the cache from BO or deleting the cache folder. There is no CSS side block.

For example on product.tpl from




Up until 1.7.2 I always did it without problems by modifying the product.tpl file.


What else could I try? Thanks to anyone who has helpful suggestions.


If you want to change lenght on product listing thats the correct way to do it. I just checked it on my localhost ps and it is working with product.tpl
Try to remove turncate entirely and check if anything changes. Other than that, there might be some override from custom module. 
Check istalled modules if some of them are using this hook "actionPresentProductListing".

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When we increase the size of the column from the ps_product_lang table, we need to update the product class as well located in the classes folder to synchronize with the database column size otherwise, it might give an error.

Attached is a screenshot for your reference.




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  • @diegofrancesco changed the title to [solved] Ps 1.7.8 Product title truncate, no action increments characters

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