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Remove {shop_url} From Email


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Hello Guys

Today i'm here to ask you some help by removing the shop url from email template:

1. i have my customized email template and there was no contains of  {shop_url} in template.

2. i erased code from mail.php: 
            $templateVars['{shop_url}'] = Context::getContext()->link->getPageLink(

3. After removing of there code that shop url is not longer exists in email but you can see {shop_url}.

Please take the attachment as reference.


What should i do????


Edited by limeradio (see edit history)
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10 minutes ago, Eutanasio said:

it's not there where you need to edit. go to the admin > International > translations and translate the theme for each language in the template you're using. For each email template you need to delete the url manually

Thanks for your reply, that i have my customized email template , and all of theme don't contains any {shop_url} code, there it's so wired that appears shop url in email.

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5 minutes ago, Eutanasio said:

can you share the code of your custom email templates?


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Edited by limeradio (see edit history)
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