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Random or one of a kind items?

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Does PrestaShop have a feature where I can have a blank item and price? I want to be able to accept credit cards for anything, on the fly, and have the money deposited in my PayPal account just like it does for regular stock items I have in my store. I'm currently setup with Zen Cart but it's been a gigantic PITA to configure, which is why I'm looking at PrestaShop.

The only method I can think of right now is I'd have to login to admin, add the item so a customer can buy it, then right after the sale login again and delete the sold out item. It would work but it'd be a big hassle to do that using a smartphone at a show.

Would be much easier to have a spot on the website with an empty item description and price where I can enter them then either enter the customer's info or hand them the phone. Once it's paid and the receipt e-mailed *poof*, the fields go back to empty, ready for the next item.

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