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Paypal IPN plugin in v1.4?

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I am integrating Post Affiliate Pro 4 with PrestaShop v1.4.

I have done everything in the integration instructions on http://addons.qualityunit.com/integration-methods/_iPresta Shop/ except the following:

"activate PayPal IPN plugin inside of your Merchant panel > Plugins. Edit the plugin settings and change separator to ||"

I assume this worked with earlier versions of PS, but can't figure out how to do this in PS v1.4. Can anyone offer guidance?


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I'm pretty sure the default value for the PAP PayPal IPN plugin is ||

So there may not be anything else needed. || is just a separator for multiple variables.

When you say, "can’t figure out how to do this in PS v1.4," it's not really a PrestaShop function. It's a PayPal function, so it works with all version of PS.

Hope this helps.

Post Affiliate Pro Expert

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Thank you for your reply. PAP support was able to help me out, so this issue is closed. The problem was that my programmer and I both interpreted the instructions as directing us to do this configuration in the PS Merchant Panel. In fact, it had to be done in the PAP4 Merchant Panel: Configuration > Plugins > PayPal IPN Handling.


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