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Show multiple products by searching multiple attributes

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How can I display products in one list using a search which asks to look for multiple attributes and not just one?

A search query string with multiple search queries? something like:

...search.php?orderby=position&orderway=desc&search;_query=this & thisalso

I can do this by searching separate attributes and opening new windows but I'd like this to work behind the scenes and compile them into one list.

Can this be done using some kind of || OR or AND operator?

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My search would be similar to this:

1. User filters searches by an Attribute Range (Range of AttributeFirst value to AttributeLast value)

2. Search looks for Products which have one or more instances or those Attributes including and between First and Last.

3. Results of all those Products displays in a paginated list as usual.

Can I use Filter By Module by PrestoChangeo? Does this search by attribute ranges? I have Version

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