I was in the process of installing Presta Shop basic edition 8.1.1 downloaded from https://prestashop.com/prestashop-edition-basic/ on Centos 7 with PHP 7.2/7.3, MYSQL 5.7, Apache 2.4.
(Checked demo data , all modules while install)
However , when script tries to install modules , I got HTTP 500 error . So to debug further I tried enabling debug via
config/defines.inc.php i.e :
/* Debug only */ if (!defined('_PS_MODE_DEV_')) { define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false); }
And tried to re-install to check the exact error . The script throws the following error i.e :
1/1) ParseError syntax error, unexpected '?', expecting function (T_FUNCTION) or const (T_CONST) in ps_edition_basic.php line 29 at ModuleDataProvider->PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Module\{closure}('ps_edition_basic')in ModuleDataProvider.php line 331
However, script seems to be working fine on PHP 7.4.
Have enclosed the screenshot of the same .
I can see that Prestashop 8.x.x supports 7.2 and above .
Are PHP requirements changed or is this a bug ?. Could you please kindly replicate this at your end and fix this?