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HTTP ERROR 500, version (PHP7.4)


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hi, friends
I would like to solve first the access to the BackOffice, to be able to migrate to the new version, with php8
This error occurs both in localhost and in the hosting, I would like to solve it in localhost mode to be able to migrate from PS1.7 to PS8 with PHP8

Enable change  false/true

if (!defined('_PS_MODE_DEV_')) {
define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);  /* false/true */

and it gives me the following error.

the url was replaced for the example:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Cache' not found in 
C:\xampp\htdocs\prestashop.com\classes\ObjectModel.php:2017 Stack trace: #0 
C:\xampp\htdocs\prestashop.com\classes\ObjectModel.php(232): ObjectModelCore::getDefinition('Shop') #1 
C:\xampp\htdocs\prestashop.com\classes\shop\Shop.php(128): ObjectModelCore->__construct('1', NULL, NULL) #2 
C:\xampp\htdocs\prestashop.com\classes\shop\Shop.php(411): ShopCore->__construct('1') #3 
C:\xampp\htdocs\prestashop.com\config\config.inc.php(118): ShopCore::initialize() #4 
C:\xampp\htdocs\prestashop.com\index.php(27): require('C:\\xampp\\htdocs...') #5 {main} thrown in 
C:\xampp\htdocs\prestashop.com\classes\ObjectModel.php on line 2017

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24 minutes ago, Nickz said:

What version of PHP you are working with?

I have installed XAMPP [7.4.20] "xampp-windows-x64-7.4.20-0-VC15" I also have installed with Wampserver+ PHP8

in PHP8 hosting, the same error is displayed on both sides, I thought that if I used xampp with version 7.4 I could see the backoffice and do a migration or export the content to do a fresh installation importing the data, but I have the same error

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2 hours ago, pilucho said:

I have installed XAMPP [7.4.20] "xampp-windows-x64-7.4.20-0-VC15" I also have installed with Wampserver+ PHP8

in PHP8 hosting, the same error is displayed on both sides, I thought that if I used xampp with version 7.4 I


Did you restart Xamp or Apatche after that? So far I know you need to have 2 different Xamp installs running, one for each PHP on Windows. How did you solve that?
We have one PHP version on C:/ and the other on D:/


With 1.77.2 try php7.2 /7.3



Edited by Nickz (see edit history)
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