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Troubles with protocol scheme in links of left menu of back office (PS 8.1.0)

Tomas Tudja

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After the installation of 8.0.4 and 8.1.0, some links in the left navigation menu are without the scheme. Some are like this: https://example.com/admin123/index.php, while most of them are without the scheme, just example.com/admin123/index.php. I am not able to resolve this problem. My setup:

PS version: 8.1.0 (also tried with 8.0.4, with the same result)
Theme: Classic
Just the built-in modules, nothing extra
Webserver: apache2 on 80, being hit by a load balancer (haproxy) that terminates SSL.
mysql eight on a dedicated machine
PHP 8.1

I tried the regenerate the .htaccess file without luck
I tried turning off the Apache security mode and multiview without any effect
The front office works fine

Please find my config files attached. Please let me know what else would You possibly (if You will be so kind) do You need for analysis.

Thank You for reading this.


.htaccess 000-default.conf

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Add the following lines within your <VirtualHost> configuration in 000-default.conf to set the HTTPS environment variable based on the X-Forwarded-Proto header provided by the load balancer:

<IfModule mod_setenvif.c>
    SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-Proto https HTTPS=on

Ensure that the .htaccess file in your PrestaShop installation's root directory has the correct rewrite rules and that the REWRITEBASE is properly set.

Regenerate the .htaccess file

Clear any caches, both in PrestaShop and your Apache server, to make sure changes take effect.

After making these changes, remember to restart your Apache server.

Please note that due to variations in server configurations, the solution might require some trial and error. If you're still facing issues, it might be helpful to reach out to Prestashop's support team, as they could have more specific insights into resolving issues with PrestaShop on setups involving load balancers and proxy servers.


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