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How to use Smarty in a module admin controller ?

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I am trying to build a simple admin controller from my module, so in modules/mysupermodule/src/Controller I created this file: DemoController.php


namespace MySuperModule\Controller;
use PrestaShopBundle\Controller\Admin\FrameworkBundleAdminController;
class DemoController extends FrameworkBundleAdminController
    public function demoAction()
            'pathApp' => $this->module->getPathUri() . 'views/js/app.js',
            'chunkVendor' => $this->module->getPathUri() . 'views/js/chunk-vendors.js',
        return $this->render('@Modules/mysupermodule/views/templates/admin/app.tpl');


and in modules/mysupermodule/config/routes.yml:


    path: mysupermodule/demo
    methods: [GET]
      _controller: 'MySuperModule\Controller\DemoController::demoAction'


Finally, I also created a composer.json with this content:


    "name": "aymeric/mysupermodule",
    "description": "...",
    "autoload": {
      "psr-4": {
        "MySuperModule\\Controller\\": "src/Controller/"
    "config": {
        "prepend-autoloader": false
    "type": "prestashop-module"

and did composer dumpautoload from the module dir


but then when I access http://localhost/prestashop/admin322w21vmubv6v/modules/mysupermodule/demo


I get


Call to a member function assign() on null


Any idea ?





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You still have issue with passing data to smarty or with access to view tpl file?

I think in controller in initContent you should add this and if previous answer is not working you can try with:


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My problem is not about accessing the tpl file. It's only about passing data to smarty.

The problem is that $this->context is not returning anything, look at this updated code:


namespace MySuperModule\Controller;
use PrestaShopBundle\Controller\Admin\FrameworkBundleAdminController;

class DemoController extends FrameworkBundleAdminController
    public function demoAction()
        $this->context; /// JUST FOR SHOWING THE ERROR 
            'pathApp' => $this->module->getPathUri() . 'views/js/app.js',
            'chunkVendor' => $this->module->getPathUri() . 'views/js/chunk-vendors.js',
        return $this->render('@Modules/mysupermodule/views/templates/admin/app.tpl');


it produces this error


Notice: Undefined property: MySuperModule\Controller\DemoController::$context



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1 minute ago, endriu107 said:

Add context Context::getContext()

I tried this already, it returns:


Attempted to load class "Context" from namespace "MySuperModule\Controller".
Did you forget a "use" statement for e.g. "HTMLPurifier_Context" or "PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Shop\Context"?

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14 hours ago, aymeric69001 said:

I tried this already, it returns:


Attempted to load class "Context" from namespace "MySuperModule\Controller".
Did you forget a "use" statement for e.g. "HTMLPurifier_Context" or "PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Shop\Context"?

It seems like the error message indicates that you're trying to use a class named Context within your module's namespace,but it should actually be PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Shop\Context. Make sure to use the correct namespace when accessing the context.

Code should be something like,

namespace MySuperModule\Controller;

use PrestaShopBundle\Controller\Admin\FrameworkBundleAdminController;
use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Shop\Context;

class DemoController extends FrameworkBundleAdminController
    public function demoAction()
        $context = Context::getContext();

            'pathApp' => $this->module->getPathUri() . 'views/js/app.js',
            'chunkVendor' => $this->module->getPathUri() . 'views/js/chunk-vendors.js',
        return $this->render('@Modules/mysupermodule/views/templates/admin/app.tpl');

Clear the cache and try if it works


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I tried of course... here is what I got

Attempted to call an undefined method named "getContext" of class "PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Shop\Context".
Did you mean to call e.g. "getContextListShopID", "getContextListShopIDUsingCustomerSharingSettings", "getContextShopGroup" or "getContextShopID"?


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namespace MySuperModule\Controller;

use PrestaShopBundle\Controller\Admin\FrameworkBundleAdminController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

use Context;
use ModuleCore;

class DemoController extends FrameworkBundleAdminController
    public function demoAction()
        $context = Context::getContext();
        $module = ModuleCore::getInstanceByName("mysupermodule");        
            'pathApp' => $module->getPathUri() . 'views/js/app.js',
            'chunkVendor' => $module->getPathUri() . 'views/js/chunk-vendors.js',


Conclusion: we must call the context via the getContext static function (which is not the case for a frontController, a comment from prestashop core developer would be welcome !), the function of an adminController must return a Response Object and just returning $context->smarty->.... produces an error, I found this trick with the die function...





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