0 help from forum, i solved my needs
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I'm moving forward, the right code that adds the days is: {$order.details.order_date|replace:'/':'-'|cat:' +8 days'|date_format:'%A, %e %B of %Y'}
Now the conditions "if" is not working, it only read the first "if" for all day of order:
{assign var="Delivery_day" value=$smarty.now|date_format:"%u"}
{if $Delivery_day == 7} *// sunday
{$order.details.order_date|replace:'/':'-'|cat:' +9 days'|date_format:'%A, %e %B of %Y'}
{if $order.details.order_date == 5} *// friday
{$order.details.order_date|replace:'/':'-'|cat:' +10 days'|date_format:'%A, %e %B of %Y'}
{if $order.details.order_date == 6} *// saturday
{$order.details.order_date|replace:'/':'-'|cat:' +10 days'|date_format:'%A, %e %B of %Y'}
if $Delivery_day > 0 && $Delivery_day < 5} *//monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday
{$order.details.order_date|replace:'/':'-'|cat:' +8 days'|date_format:'%A, %e %B of %Y'}
The Assign var is wrong?