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I am adding codes in order-detail.tpl to show a estimated date of delivery to customers from that is not available any module compatible with PS 8
My variable of order date is: {$order.details.order_date|date_format:"%A, %e %B of %Y"}
I want to join together {$order.details.order_date} with the code {"+8 days"|strtotime|date_format:"%A, %e %B of %Y"}
My full code of smarty now is:
{assign var="Delivery_day" value=$|date_format:"%u"}
<b>{l s='Estimated delivery day'}</b>
{if $Delivery_day == 1}
{"+8 days"|strtotime|date_format:"%A, %e %B del %Y"}
{if $Delivery_day == 6}
{"+9 days"|strtotime|date_format:"%A, %e %B of %Y"}
{if $Delivery_day > 0 && $Delivery_day < 6}
{"+8 days"|strtotime|date_format:"%A, %e %B of %Y"}
I tried with {"$order.details.order_date+8 days"|strtotime|date_format:"%A, %e de %B del %Y"} but it give me error, i am not expert.
Can you help me?