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Prestashop update from 8.0.4 to 8.1 still shows old backoffice look

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Hi all,

after updating Prestashop from 8.0.4 to 8.1 with 1-click update, backoffice is still "old".

How do I update the look of the backoffice also?

Update with 1-click went well. No errors. All good. Except backoffice is still looking as it was before.

old backoffice.JPG

new backoffice.JPG


EDIT: After doing some investigation I noticed that in my test store with new look, this line is included in <head>

<link href="https://unpkg.com/@prestashopcorp/edition-reskin@latest/dist/back.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

This seems to do the job. But where do I put it, in which source file of the store, that still has old look? Any ideas?

EDIT 2: After more digging I managed to figure this out. I was missing module called "ps_edition_basic". I copied it from the test store to the live store, activated it and now backend is "new".

Edited by UrbanD
added some additional info (see edit history)
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  • 1 year later...

If anyone else is having problems with occasionally backend being slow it is due to this same module I have mentioned before. This module keeps calling external css file from unpkg.com but the site seems to be having some response problems.


So all you need to to is download that back.min.css and put it in modules/ps_edition_basic/views/css folder and change the code on line 55 of file ps_edition_basic.php like this:


This way the css will be called from this local folder and whoila, no longer response problems from external url.

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