I had created the module "mymodule" and it installed, tried to open the controller in the page "http://prestashop.pp:8082/admin47181ymgj5ac4e10t7g/index.php?controller=AdminObjectifController&token=a9a1a411b98c9dccf03de19b2bbae6a3#/dashboard"
and had this error. This is my code in the module:
<?php if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) { exit; } class Mymodule extends Module { public function __construct() { $this->name = 'mymodule'; $this->tab = 'front_office_features'; $this->version = '1.0.0'; $this->author = 'Firstname Lastname'; $this->need_instance = 0; $this->ps_versions_compliancy = [ 'min' => '', 'max' => '8.99.99', ]; $this->bootstrap = true; parent::__construct(); $this->displayName = $this->l('My module'); $this->description = $this->l('Description of my module.'); $this->confirmUninstall = $this->l('Are you sure you want to uninstall?'); if (!Configuration::get('MYMODULE_NAME')) { $this->warning = $this->l('No name provided'); } } public function install() { $class = 'AdminObjectif'; $tab = new Tab(); $tab->class_name = $class; $tab->module = $this->name; $tab->id_parent = (int) Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminParentCustomer'); $langs = Language::getLanguages(false); foreach ($langs as $l) { $tab->name[$l['id_lang']] = $this->l('Objectifs'); } $tab->save(); return parent::install() && $this->registerHook('displayHome') && $this->createTabLink(); } public function uninstall() { return ( parent::uninstall() && Configuration::deleteByName('MYMODULE_NAME') ); } public function createTabLink(){ $tab=new Tab; foreach (Language::getLanguages() as $lang) {$tab-> name[$lang['id_lang']]=$this->l('Origin'); } $tab->class_name="AdminOrigin"; $tab->module=$this->name; $tab->id_parent=0; $tab->add(); return true; } protected function generateControllerURI() { $router = SymfonyContainer::getInstance()->get('router'); return $router->generate('my_route_name'); } }
and this in the controller:
<?php class AdminObjectifController extends ModuleAdminController { public function __construct() { $this->bootstrap = true; $this->table = 'objectifs'; $this->className = 'Objectif'; parent::__construct(); } public function initContent() { $tpl = $this->context->smarty->createTemplate($this->getTemplatePath() . 'origin.tpl', $this->context->smarty); $tpl->assign(array( 'my_var' => "test" )); $this->content .= $tpl->fetch(); parent::initContent(); } }
Maybe you help me with this problem.Greetings