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Your .zip name is already used in an other module

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Hi guys,


Need help in module deployment.

We received this error "Your .zip name is already used in an other module." when we tried to deploy our payment module to prestashop marketplace.

We did look into the marketplace if we have similar names but none exist, and this is our initial release. This error seems to be not really the actual problem.

We followed the structure of 1.7 or 1.8 as suggested:



    - controllers

         - front

    - install

    - src

    - upgrade

    - views

        - css

        - img

        - js

        - templates

               - front

               - hook





The zip, folder {module} and the main file are non-caps, the class name is in camel case, the main module class extends PaymentModule, the $this->name = {module} is also non-caps, the module_key is properly entered. The main class has install and uninstall function. We validated my module with the prestashop validator and all are checked green. Our compatibility are versions 1.7.7 to 8.1.1.

Any other thing that we missed?

Thank you in advance.


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