Add $db to the beginning of ajax.php
$db = Db::getInstance(); // add $context = Context::getContext();
Upload the whole ajax.php code for me here if you edited it.
update ajax.php
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); include('../../../config/config.inc.php'); include('../../../init.php'); $module_name = 'ps8mod_customerpwd'; $token = pSQL(Tools::encrypt($module_name.'/ajax.php')); $token_url = pSQL(Tools::getValue('token')); $db = Db::getInstance(); $context = Context::getContext(); $module = Module::getInstanceByName($module_name); if ($token != $token_url || !Module::isInstalled($module_name)) { echo($module->l('AJAX error')); } if ($module->active && Tools::getValue('action') == 'afterCreateAccount' && Tools::getValue('email') && Tools::getValue('pwd')) { // OK, data exists $response = ''; $idCustomer = 0; $email = Tools::getValue('email'); $pwd = Tools::getValue('pwd'); $idCustomer = $context->customer->id; if ($idCustomer) { $response = $module->newRegisteredCustomer($email, $pwd, $idCustomer); } else { $response = $module->l('Customer ID not exists'); } echo $response; }