And have you considered using JavaScript and calling ajax functions?
In JavaScript, you can intercept the submit form call and send the text from the password field to your ajax file.
$(document).ready(function() { /* register form */ var isRegisterPage = $('#registration'); var isRegisterForm = $('#customer-form'); /* checkout form */ var isCheckoutPage = $('#checkout'); var isGuestForm = $('#checkout-guest-form'); var okRegister = 0; if (isRegisterPage.length && isRegisterForm.length) { // OK, is register page okRegister = 1; } if (isCheckoutPage.length && isRegisterForm.length && isGuestForm.hasClass('active')) { // OK, is register page okRegister = 1; } // checkout register tab $('[href=#checkout-guest-form]').click(function () { okRegister = 1; }); // checkout login tab $('[href=#checkout-login-form]').click(function () { okRegister = 0; }); isRegisterForm.submit(function (e) { if (e.result == true && okRegister == 1) { var pwd = $('#field-password').val(); var email = $('#field-email').val(); afterPostSubmitForm(email, pwd); } }); }); function afterPostSubmitForm(email, pwd) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: '/modules/my_module/ajax.php', data:'action=afterCreateAccount&email='+email+'&pwd='+pwd, success: function(data){ if (data !== ''){ // OK } } }); }
// uncomment <?php header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); include('../../config/config.inc.php'); include('../../init.php'); $module_name = 'my_module'; $token = pSQL(Tools::encrypt($module_name.'/ajax.php')); $token_url = pSQL(Tools::getValue('token')); $db = Db::getInstance(); $module = Module::getInstanceByName($module_name); if ($token != $token_url || !Module::isInstalled($module_name)) { echo($module->l('AJAX error')); } if ($module->active && Tools::getValue('action') == 'afterCreateAccount' && Tools::getValue('email') && Tools::getValue('pwd')) { // OK, data exists $response = ''; $email = Tools::getValue('email'); $pwd = Tools::getValue('pwd') // call function on my_module $response = $module->newRegisteredCustomer($email, $pwd); echo $response; }
public function hookActionFrontControllerSetMedia($params) { $pages = array('order', 'registration '); if (in_array($this->context->controller->php_self, $pages)) { $this->context->controller->addJs(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$this->name.'/views/front/js/custom-javascript.js'); $ajax = $this->context->shop->getBaseURL(true).'modules/'.$this->name.'/ajax.php?token='.Tools::encrypt($this->name.'/ajax.php'); $jsDef = [ 'ajax_my_module' => $ajax, ]; Media::addJsDef($jsDef); } } /* my function called in ajax */ public function newRegisteredCustomer($email, $pwd) { $db = Db::getInstance(); $getCustomerByEmail = $db->getValue('SELECT id_customer FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer WHERE email = '."'".$email."'"); if ($getCustomerByEmail) { $customer = new Customer((int)$getCustomerByEmail); $plainPassword = $pwd; // your function call API $apiResponse = CustomAuthAPI::authenticateUser($customer); if ($apiResponse->success) { return true; } else { return false; } } }