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Which payment module do you use ?

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Hi all,
I actually configure my first e-shop with prestashop. I'm based in canada, and I don't know which payment module to use...
Well I ask to you, which one do you use, or which one do you recommand for visa, mastercard and american express payment.


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You can use regular Paypal module from PrestaShop.

But I would also like to recommend my Agile Paypal module.
* EASY to install and configure (most important)
* It does not use API,
* it does not require SSL
* Does not require customer input any personal information for registration, but the module will register with information from Paypal automatically.
* Customer can get to Paypal payment page in just a few clicks.
* Pay by major credit Master, Visa, American Express ...

A lot of more feature....
See detail here

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depends on how many orders you process. Paypal is good for startup to small business. authorize.net is the largest cc merchants in the usa. You will have to get it threw a reseller though. And with it you are able to negoate your rates cheaper than paypal. If you need to be able to swipe its might be a better route to go even if pretty small.

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