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attribute position change


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Hello, I want to change the position of the attributes so that they are above the customization, my logic tells me that I have to make the change in themes\classic\templates\catalog\product.tpl and invert the following https://app.screencast.com/uUtM3dkMEbXGw does indeed change position but then the attributes stop working correctly
prestashop 8.0.4 php 8

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On 7/4/2023 at 3:52 PM, angellombana said:

prestashop 8.0.4 php 8

Hi @angellombana,

In PrestaShop 8.0.4, the process of changing the position of attributes and customizations in the product template has changed. Instead of directly modifying the product.tpl file, you should use overrides to customize the template while maintaining the correct functionality.

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