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Various Admin pages not available

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I have created a new Prestashop using version First, I installed the shop locally with xampp. The installation was successful and it worked like a charm. Now I wanted to migrate the shop to a webspace for further changes. I have created the database and uploaded the files via FTP. The shop frontend is working, but I get an error in the admin page. The admin page is loading and shows the Dashboard. From there it's not possible to go to other pages. It resolves in "page not found" errors and the CSS seems to be broken at this pages.


In the dev.log I get a lot of "php.DEBUG: Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for /www/admin929ec6aat/themes//template {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\SilencedErrorContext: {\"severity\":2,\"file\":\"www/classes/controller/AdminController.php\",\"line\":450,\"trace\":[{\"file\":\"/www/classes/controller/Controller.php\",\"line\":233,\"function\":\"__construct\",\"class\":\"AdminControllerCore\",\"type\":\"->\"}],\"count\":1})"} []"

and also "User Deprecated: Not specifying the optional ShopConstraint parameter is deprecated since version"


Do you have any idea why the admin pages are not working properly?

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