I am trying to create a hook for the main slider on the home page so that the number of columns dont mes up the slider dimentions.
I am working with Mypresta Prestashop Hooks Manager.
Since I am alredy using the tabs module. I think I am missing just a point on adding the hook because the slider module is not executing correctly.
It is only showing code. Child theme based on the Classic theme-> \themes\theme_1151\templates\index.tpl
{extends file='parent:page.tpl'}{* feito para incluir os menus tab na home page*} {block name='page_content_container'} <section id="content" class="page-home"> {block name='page_content_top'} {hook::exec('displaySliderTopGf')} {/block} {block name='page_content'} {$HOOK_HOME nofilter} {assign var='HOOK_HOME_TAB_CONTENT' value=Hook::exec('displayHomeTabContent')} {assign var='HOOK_HOME_TAB' value=Hook::exec('displayHomeTab')} {if isset($HOOK_HOME_TAB_CONTENT) && $HOOK_HOME_TAB_CONTENT|trim} <div class="tabs"> {if isset($HOOK_HOME_TAB) && $HOOK_HOME_TAB|trim} <ul id="home-page-tabs" class="nav nav-tabs clearfix"> {$HOOK_HOME_TAB nofilter} </ul> {/if} <div class="tab-content" id="tab-content">{$HOOK_HOME_TAB_CONTENT nofilter}</div> </div> {/if} {/block} </section> {/block}
Anyone has a tip?