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Override theme template from module - PS1.7

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I am trying to create a module, which needs to alter the active theme .tpl block, for eg: {block name='product_brand_below'} from product.tpl file.

How do I do that? Using module front controller?

I found   $this->setTemplate('module:sample_module/views/templates/front/product.tpl');

method, but not exactly sure when it needs to be fired.

{extends file=$layout}

{block name='product_brand_below'}
    <p>Best brand ever</p>

Is that the approach I should try to go with?

I know I can just override the template file with child-theme but that's not something I am looking for. 

Thanks for any replies

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There is no officially way to override the core template files of the theme from module. The best way is to create a child theme, and override only the files you need.

The only thing you can do is to create a backup of the tpl file when installing your module and upload your tpl file to the original location. Just use the php functions file_get_contents, str_replace and file_put_contents. You also need to think about reverting the changes when you uninstall the module.

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