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Add to cart not working


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When i click add to cart on http://blowupdesigns.tk, product is not added and follow error message shows up, any ideia how to solve?  


Impossible to add the product to the cart.
textStatus: 'parsererror'
errorThrown: 'SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "responseText:


Captura de Ecrã (241).png

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The error message specifically mentions a 'parsererror', which usually occurs when the JSON response from the server is not properly formatted and cannot be parsed correctly by the client-side JavaScript code.

Use your browser's developer tools to inspect the network activity when you click "Add to Cart." Look for the request being made to the server and the response received. Check the response content and see if it matches the expected JSON format.

Verify that the AJAX request being sent to add the product to the cart is correctly formed and includes all the necessary parameters.

Check the error logs on the server to see if there are any specific error messages related to the issue.


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