Thank you! That worked! So, can i kindly ask how to modify the override to be able to do the same with categories? From CMS pages, i mostly link categories. Thank you very much!
EDIT: I firured out. This code will add this functionality of dynamic links for both product, and categories by ID for CMS pages. Big thanks to
public function initContent() { $this->cms->content = $this->returnShortcodeContent($this->cms->content); parent::initContent(); } public function getBetween($content, $start, $end) { $n = explode($start, $content); $result = Array(); foreach ($n as $val) { $pos = strpos($val, $end); if ($pos !== false) { $result[] = substr($val, 0, $pos); } } return $result; } public function returnShortcodeContent($contents) { $db = Db::getInstance(); $productWithLink = $this->getBetween($contents,'[product:', ':link]'); $categoryWithLink = $this->getBetween($contents,'[category:', ':link]'); foreach ($productWithLink as $match) { $productId = $match; $product = new Product((int)$productId, false, $this->context->language->id); $productName = $product->name; $productLink = $this->context->link->getProductLink($product); $replace = '<a href="'.$productLink.'">'.$productName.'</a>'; $contents = str_replace('[product:'.$productId.':link]', $replace, $contents); } foreach ($categoryWithLink as $match) { $categoryId = $match; $category = new Category((int)$categoryId, $this->context->language->id); $categoryName = $category->name; $categoryLink = $this->context->link->getCategoryLink($category); $replace = '<a href="'.$categoryLink.'">'.$categoryName.'</a>'; $contents = str_replace('[category:'.$categoryId.':link]', $replace, $contents); } return $contents; }