About a month ago I toggled catalog mode on my website since I was going on a month long trip. Everything seemed to be working fine. A few days later, my website was no longer accessible, presenting a 500 error. My webhost told me they'd restore the backup. When I returned from my trip, the site was still down. They were apparently unable to help with a backup. I've tried accessing the backend to change the setting, but I can't since the 500 error prevents it. I have been trying to research fixes, but everything seems to point towards accessing the backend (which I can't do). My thought was maybe there is a value in a config file I can change? But I'm not a developer, so I don't know where to look. Is this something you've encountered?
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About a month ago I toggled catalog mode on my website since I was going on a month long trip. Everything seemed to be working fine. A few days later, my website was no longer accessible, presenting a 500 error. My webhost was unable to help with a backup. I've tried accessing the backend to change the setting, but I can't since the 500 error prevents it. I have been trying to research fixes, but everything seems to point towards accessing the backend (which I can't do). My thought was maybe there is a value in a config file I can change? But I'm not a developer, so I don't know where to look. Is this something you've encountered?