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Emails contact_form displaying variables like {firstname} {lastname}


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Hi, I've been trying to troubleshoot variables appearing in mails for a few days now, I tried all I could find on forums but nothing works  Even this bug fix, 

I have to point out that I am a total newbie with prestashop so if you need more information tell me,

Prestashop version is:


The problems are mainly on the mails that the customer support receives (i don't know about the costumers),

Here is an example of mail that the support receives

Adresse e-mail du client : email@adress.com // Only this appears correctly

Nom du client : {nom}
Prénom du client : {prenom}
Téléphone du client : {tel}
Société du client : {societe}

Message du client : test message

Commande # : -
Pièce jointe : -


Thanks for your time and your replies !

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Hello again,

I believe that you didn't notice it but as I said Prestashop is already up to the version,

so the fix should be working except that it doesn't work even if I apply the old fix to the Mail class.

I've waited a few days for the cache to update and to receive new mail and it still doesn't work.

I could have tried to update prestashop to but since updating prestashop is quite dangerous, I prefer to just try and fix it.

If you have any idea or solutions feel free tell them.

Thank you @Crezzur.com.

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