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Hello, i would like to ask for help.

I have shop that sells items we made to order. Every morning i print invoices for employees and they make the items according to that. Recently, we added more language options, including Russian etc.

Whenever i print an invoice from BO, it is in my language (cs), but product names are in the language of a customer. The same goes for the order within the prestashop - product names are in the language of a customer.

This creates problem since noone here understand most of the languages on the shop and since there is lot of attributes for our products, we literaly dont know what to make and what to send to customer.

I search for a solution to this:

  • it can be that invoice product names will be in my language (cs)
  • i can go with printing a mail "new order" that i get from PS, but that has the same problem atm
  • i dont mind to have a module that would allow me to print a simple list "pcs/name/colour/size" nothing else needed
  • any other solution that cross your minds

We will be really happy for any help regarding this, since everytime someone orders from France or Russia, we dont know what to make and it takes a long time to translate it. 

For any help, thank you!



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