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The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". - version 8.04


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Hi , I faced the 500 Error during creating a new category with 2 underlines before the name of the category.

"__Fresh Products" I am not sure if it is 2 underlines related but this happened right after I submit save button for the new category.

I am enclosing the error code details.

Now I am not able to go in categories tab under catalog. I am not able to create or modify the categories.

I am not an advanced user, and in panic now. Please someone help me on this.

Many thanks in advance

error code.docxFetching info...

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Hi, I highly recommend, assuming you have not 100's of hours in this to use PS1.7.8.7...it's stable..PS8 is not ready for prime time, it's in community testing phase so unless you want to test for PS and report bugs via github use 1787

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