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How remove Optional Create account on order page


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You have to modify theme Template Files
Locate the checkout or order template file in your theme. Typically, these files are in the following directory:
Look for a file like customer-form.tpl or checkout-personal-information.tpl.
Open the file and locate the section responsible for the "Create an account" fields. You can either comment out the HTML code for this section or remove it

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13 minutes ago, Knowband Plugins said:

You have to modify theme Template Files
Locate the checkout or order template file in your theme. Typically, these files are in the following directory:
Look for a file like customer-form.tpl or checkout-personal-information.tpl.
Open the file and locate the section responsible for the "Create an account" fields. You can either comment out the HTML code for this section or remove it

{block "form_field"}
  {if $field.name === 'password' and $guest_allowed}
      <p class="form-informations">
        <span class="font-weight-bold form-informations-title">{l s='Create an account' d='Shop.Theme.Checkout'}</span> <span class="font-italic form-informations-option">{l s='(optional)' d='Shop.Theme.Checkout'}</span>
        <span class="text-muted form-informations-subtitle">{l s='And save time on your next order!' d='Shop.Theme.Checkout'}</span>

{block "form_buttons"}
      class="continue btn btn-primary pull-xs-right"
        {l s='Continue' d='Shop.Theme.Actions'}


I have this, if a delet the first part, remain only password field, where is the error?

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As per our understanding, you want to disable the Guest Checkout option so that the Password field will be mandatory.

If so, then you can simply disable the Guest Checkout in the Admin.

Go to Shop Parameters -> order Settings.
Screenshot:- https://prnt.sc/vnYfjxOGEZnG

And then Disable the Enable Guest Checkout.
Screenshot- https://prnt.sc/gJXlLta4vlgi

This will disable the guest checkout option.


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1 hour ago, Knowband Plugins said:


As per our understanding, you want to disable the Guest Checkout option so that the Password field will be mandatory.

If so, then you can simply disable the Guest Checkout in the Admin.

Go to Shop Parameters -> order Settings.
Screenshot:- https://prnt.sc/vnYfjxOGEZnG

And then Disable the Enable Guest Checkout.
Screenshot- https://prnt.sc/gJXlLta4vlgi

This will disable the guest checkout option.


No, i will Able Guest Checkout, i will Hide the possibility to create Also account in Order page


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