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Database doubles in size when upload.


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Sinds about a week I have a problem uploading a backup of my database into another for testing, it more than doubles in size. 

1 Create and download the database backup either in the backoffice or phpmyadmin, zipped or unzipped. On the live server it's 113mb on my computer it's 60mb.
2 Upload with phpmyadmin, and it's more than 300mb, to big for my hosting, max250mb.
3 Some of the tables become bigger, more rows, like ps_access. The hosting sugested ALTER TABLE <tablename> ENGINE=InnoDB; wich I do on every tables, wich brings the rows back to the origenal. The database becomes 290 mb problem not solved. 

Another sugegtion from the hosting - you take the create statement from the mysql dump -, this does not seem to help, I need to be able to easely install a backup created in the backoffice.

In Wamp I upload the database, 60mb, do ALTER TABLE <tablename> ENGINE=InnoDB; on all the tables, in wamp64/bin/mysql/data it's 250mb.

Another problem, sinds yesterday I've been getting these errors on the server trying to upload a database, #1044 - Access denied for user, #1273 - Unknown collation:, is that because i've been uploading, creating deleting databases a lot ?

Has anyone had this problem ?

mysql 5.7.40-43-log
php 7.3.33

phpmyadmin 5.1.0

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It's not a Prestshop bug, it's my hosting, Combell, I asked them several times if something had changed in phpmyadmin, they said no, now, two weeks later, they say that they - changed the way they calculate the quota - , it took 4 messages to get this information, what a waste of time. Without any explication what has changed or why, the only solution is an upgrade of my database to 500mb the database is 111mb. 

The only thing I can do is this, ALTER TABLE table name ENGINE=InnoDB; wich does not work, I need free space on the bd for this.

I will keep trying to find a solution, with wamp, without paying for an upgrade, I'll keep you posted. 

Or I will change provider probably, do you know good hosting, I'm in Belgium ? With c-panel if possible, to cut and paste between a domain and a subdomain, I have a slow internet connection.

Does anyone else have this problem with combell hosting ?

Live db combell backoffice 111mb Total_Tables 376 Total_Tables_Row 597710 DB Size (MB) 111 Free Space (MB) 66

Upload test db backoffice 313mb ( to big ) Total_Tables 376 Total_Tables_Row 617191 DB Size (MB) 120 Free Space (MB) 83


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