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der Shop lief seit Monaten völlig stabil, derzeit unter PHP Version 7.2.34. Plötzlich erfolgen WhiteScreens zum Ende des Kaufvorgangs und Fehlermeldungen im BackOffice:
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Ja, ich bin mir des Risikos bewusst        Nichts wie weg hier!

Der Link ist verändert: .../adminpath/security/compromised?uri= ...

Hat Jemand eine Idee ?

Beste Grüße






der Shop lief seit Monaten völlig stabil, derzeit unter PHP Version 7.2.34. Plötzlich erfolgen WhiteScreens zum Ende des Kaufvorgangs und Fehlermeldungen im BackOffice:
Token ungültig: Direkter Zugriff auf diesen Link könnte eine Sicherheitslücke schaffen..
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Ja, ich bin mir des Risikos bewusst        Nichts wie weg hier!

Der Link ist verändert: .../adminpath/security/compromised?uri= ...

Hat Jemand eine Idee ?

Beste Grüße





der Shop lief seit Monaten völlig stabil, derzeit unter PHP Version 7.2.34. Plötzlich erfolgen WhiteScreens zum Ende des Kaufvorgangs und Fehlermeldungen im BackOffice:
Token ungültig: Direkter Zugriff auf diesen Link könnte eine Sicherheitslücke schaffen..
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Ja, ich bin mir des Risikos bewusst        Nichts wie weg hier!

Der Link ist verändert: .../adminpath/security/compromised?uri= ...

Zum Warenkorb-WhiteScreen gibt es eine Fehlermeldung:


Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
(1/1) UndefinedFunctionException

Attempted to call function "idn_to_ascii" from the global namespace.
in Mail.php line 901
at MailCore::toPunycode('info@faecherkult.de')in Mail.php line 323
at MailCore::send(1, 'productoutofstock', 'Product out of stock', array('{qty}' => 1, '{last_qty}' => 1, '{product}' => 'Pralineé : Farbe - mittelbraun'), 'info@faecherkult.de', '', 'info@faecherkult.de', 'Fächerkult - Spanische Fächer', null, null, '/hp/bu/ab/rx/www/ps1761/modules/ps_emailalerts/mails/', false, 1)in ps_emailalerts.php line 558
at Ps_EmailAlerts->hookActionUpdateQuantity(array('id_product' => 161, 'id_product_attribute' => '311', 'quantity' => 1, 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 1))in Hook.php line 970
at HookCore::coreCallHook(object(Ps_EmailAlerts), 'hookactionUpdateQuantity', array('id_product' => 161, 'id_product_attribute' => '311', 'quantity' => 1, 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 1))in Hook.php line 355
at HookCore::callHookOn(object(Ps_EmailAlerts), 'actionUpdateQuantity', array('id_product' => 161, 'id_product_attribute' => '311', 'quantity' => 1, 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 1))in Hook.php line 907
at HookCore::exec('actionUpdateQuantity', array('id_product' => 161, 'id_product_attribute' => '311', 'quantity' => 1, 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 1), null, false, true, false, null)in HookManager.php line 79
at HookManager->exec('actionUpdateQuantity', array('id_product' => 161, 'id_product_attribute' => '311', 'quantity' => 1))in StockManager.php line 192
at StockManager->updateQuantity(object(Product), '311', -1, null, false, array())in StockAvailable.php line 548
at StockAvailableCore::updateQuantity('161', '311', -1)in OrderDetail.php line 499
at OrderDetailCore->checkProductStock(array('id_product_attribute' => '311', 'id_product' => '161', 'cart_quantity' => '1', 'id_shop' => '1', 'id_customization' => null, 'name' => 'Pralineé', 'is_virtual' => '0', 'description_short' => '', 'available_now' => '', 'available_later' => '', 'id_category_default' => '2', 'id_supplier' => '0', 'id_manufacturer' => '0', 'manufacturer_name' => null, 'on_sale' => '0', 'ecotax' => '0.000000', 'additional_shipping_cost' => '0.00', 'available_for_order' => '1', 'show_price' => '1', 'price' => 63.823529, 'active' => '1', 'unity' => '', 'unit_price_ratio' => '0.000000', 'quantity_available' => '2', 'width' => '0.000000', 'height' => '0.000000', 'depth' => '0.000000', 'out_of_stock' => '2', 'weight' => 1.0, 'available_date' => '0000-00-00', 'date_add' => '2019-12-01 09:20:56', 'date_upd' => '2021-10-03 16:29:47', 'quantity' => 1, 'link_rewrite' => 'pralinee', 'category' => 'startseite', 'unique_id' => '0000000161000000031148650', 'id_address_delivery' => '4865', 'advanced_stock_management' => '0', 'supplier_reference' => null, 'customization_quantity' => null, 'price_attribute' => '0.000000', 'ecotax_attr' => '0.000000', 'reference' => 'G_191', 'weight_attribute' => 1.0, 'ean13' => '', 'isbn' => '', 'upc' => '', 'minimal_quantity' => '1', 'wholesale_price' => '29.930000', 'id_image' => '161-881', 'legend' => '', 'reduction_type' => 0, 'is_gift' => false, 'reduction' => 0.0, 'reduction_without_tax' => 0.0, 'price_without_reduction' => 75.95, 'specific_prices' => array(), 'stock_quantity' => 2, 'price_without_reduction_without_tax' => 63.823529, 'price_with_reduction' => 75.95, 'price_with_reduction_without_tax' => 63.823529, 'total' => 63.82, 'total_wt' => 75.95, 'price_wt' => 75.95, 'reduction_applies' => false, 'quantity_discount_applies' => false, 'allow_oosp' => 0, 'features' => array(array('id_feature' => '1', 'id_product' => '161', 'id_feature_value' => '7'), array('id_feature' => '2', 'id_product' => '161', 'id_feature_value' => '25'), array('id_feature' => '3', 'id_product' => '161', 'id_feature_value' => '30'), array('id_feature' => '4', 'id_product' => '161', 'id_feature_value' => '44')), 'attributes' => 'Farbe : mittelbraun', 'attributes_small' => 'mittelbraun', 'rate' => 19.0, 'tax_name' => 'MwSt. DE 19%', 'warehouse_list' => array(0), 'in_stock' => true, 'carrier_list' => array('7', '8')), '10')in OrderDetail.php line 699
at OrderDetailCore->create(object(Order), object(Cart), array('id_product_attribute' => '311', 'id_product' => '161', 'cart_quantity' => '1', 'id_shop' => '1', 'id_customization' => null, 'name' => 'Pralineé', 'is_virtual' => '0', 'description_short' => '', 'available_now' => '', 'available_later' => '', 'id_category_default' => '2', 'id_supplier' => '0', 'id_manufacturer' => '0', 'manufacturer_name' => null, 'on_sale' => '0', 'ecotax' => '0.000000', 'additional_shipping_cost' => '0.00', 'available_for_order' => '1', 'show_price' => '1', 'price' => 63.823529, 'active' => '1', 'unity' => '', 'unit_price_ratio' => '0.000000', 'quantity_available' => '2', 'width' => '0.000000', 'height' => '0.000000', 'depth' => '0.000000', 'out_of_stock' => '2', 'weight' => 1.0, 'available_date' => '0000-00-00', 'date_add' => '2019-12-01 09:20:56', 'date_upd' => '2021-10-03 16:29:47', 'quantity' => 1, 'link_rewrite' => 'pralinee', 'category' => 'startseite', 'unique_id' => '0000000161000000031148650', 'id_address_delivery' => '4865', 'advanced_stock_management' => '0', 'supplier_reference' => null, 'customization_quantity' => null, 'price_attribute' => '0.000000', 'ecotax_attr' => '0.000000', 'reference' => 'G_191', 'weight_attribute' => 1.0, 'ean13' => '', 'isbn' => '', 'upc' => '', 'minimal_quantity' => '1', 'wholesale_price' => '29.930000', 'id_image' => '161-881', 'legend' => '', 'reduction_type' => 0, 'is_gift' => false, 'reduction' => 0.0, 'reduction_without_tax' => 0.0, 'price_without_reduction' => 75.95, 'specific_prices' => array(), 'stock_quantity' => 2, 'price_without_reduction_without_tax' => 63.823529, 'price_with_reduction' => 75.95, 'price_with_reduction_without_tax' => 63.823529, 'total' => 63.82, 'total_wt' => 75.95, 'price_wt' => 75.95, 'reduction_applies' => false, 'quantity_discount_applies' => false, 'allow_oosp' => 0, 'features' => array(array('id_feature' => '1', 'id_product' => '161', 'id_feature_value' => '7'), array('id_feature' => '2', 'id_product' => '161', 'id_feature_value' => '25'), array('id_feature' => '3', 'id_product' => '161', 'id_feature_value' => '30'), array('id_feature' => '4', 'id_product' => '161', 'id_feature_value' => '44')), 'attributes' => 'Farbe : mittelbraun', 'attributes_small' => 'mittelbraun', 'rate' => 19.0, 'tax_name' => 'MwSt. DE 19%', 'warehouse_list' => array(0), 'in_stock' => true, 'carrier_list' => array('7', '8')), '10', 0, true, 0)in OrderDetail.php line 740
at OrderDetailCore->createList(object(Order), object(Cart), '10', array(array('id_product_attribute' => '311', 'id_product' => '161', 'cart_quantity' => '1', 'id_shop' => '1', 'id_customization' => null, 'name' => 'Pralineé', 'is_virtual' => '0', 'description_short' => '', 'available_now' => '', 'available_later' => '', 'id_category_default' => '2', 'id_supplier' => '0', 'id_manufacturer' => '0', 'manufacturer_name' => null, 'on_sale' => '0', 'ecotax' => '0.000000', 'additional_shipping_cost' => '0.00', 'available_for_order' => '1', 'show_price' => '1', 'price' => 63.823529, 'active' => '1', 'unity' => '', 'unit_price_ratio' => '0.000000', 'quantity_available' => '2', 'width' => '0.000000', 'height' => '0.000000', 'depth' => '0.000000', 'out_of_stock' => '2', 'weight' => 1.0, 'available_date' => '0000-00-00', 'date_add' => '2019-12-01 09:20:56', 'date_upd' => '2021-10-03 16:29:47', 'quantity' => 1, 'link_rewrite' => 'pralinee', 'category' => 'startseite', 'unique_id' => '0000000161000000031148650', 'id_address_delivery' => '4865', 'advanced_stock_management' => '0', 'supplier_reference' => null, 'customization_quantity' => null, 'price_attribute' => '0.000000', 'ecotax_attr' => '0.000000', 'reference' => 'G_191', 'weight_attribute' => 1.0, 'ean13' => '', 'isbn' => '', 'upc' => '', 'minimal_quantity' => '1', 'wholesale_price' => '29.930000', 'id_image' => '161-881', 'legend' => '', 'reduction_type' => 0, 'is_gift' => false, 'reduction' => 0.0, 'reduction_without_tax' => 0.0, 'price_without_reduction' => 75.95, 'specific_prices' => array(), 'stock_quantity' => 2, 'price_without_reduction_without_tax' => 63.823529, 'price_with_reduction' => 75.95, 'price_with_reduction_without_tax' => 63.823529, 'total' => 63.82, 'total_wt' => 75.95, 'price_wt' => 75.95, 'reduction_applies' => false, 'quantity_discount_applies' => false, 'allow_oosp' => 0, 'features' => array(array('id_feature' => '1', 'id_product' => '161', 'id_feature_value' => '7'), array('id_feature' => '2', 'id_product' => '161', 'id_feature_value' => '25'), array('id_feature' => '3', 'id_product' => '161', 'id_feature_value' => '30'), array('id_feature' => '4', 'id_product' => '161', 'id_feature_value' => '44')), 'attributes' => 'Farbe : mittelbraun', 'attributes_small' => 'mittelbraun', 'rate' => 19.0, 'tax_name' => 'MwSt. DE 19%', 'warehouse_list' => array(0), 'in_stock' => true, 'carrier_list' => array('7', '8'))), 0, true, 0)in PaymentModule.php line 1032
at PaymentModuleCore->createOrderFromCart(object(Cart), object(Currency), array(array('id_product_attribute' => '311', 'id_product' => '161', 'cart_quantity' => '1', 'id_shop' => '1', 'id_customization' => null, 'name' => 'Pralineé', 'is_virtual' => '0', 'description_short' => '', 'available_now' => '', 'available_later' => '', 'id_category_default' => '2', 'id_supplier' => '0', 'id_manufacturer' => '0', 'manufacturer_name' => null, 'on_sale' => '0', 'ecotax' => '0.000000', 'additional_shipping_cost' => '0.00', 'available_for_order' => '1', 'show_price' => '1', 'price' => 63.823529, 'active' => '1', 'unity' => '', 'unit_price_ratio' => '0.000000', 'quantity_available' => '2', 'width' => '0.000000', 'height' => '0.000000', 'depth' => '0.000000', 'out_of_stock' => '2', 'weight' => 1.0, 'available_date' => '0000-00-00', 'date_add' => '2019-12-01 09:20:56', 'date_upd' => '2021-10-03 16:29:47', 'quantity' => 1, 'link_rewrite' => 'pralinee', 'category' => 'startseite', 'unique_id' => '0000000161000000031148650', 'id_address_delivery' => '4865', 'advanced_stock_management' => '0', 'supplier_reference' => null, 'customization_quantity' => null, 'price_attribute' => '0.000000', 'ecotax_attr' => '0.000000', 'reference' => 'G_191', 'weight_attribute' => 1.0, 'ean13' => '', 'isbn' => '', 'upc' => '', 'minimal_quantity' => '1', 'wholesale_price' => '29.930000', 'id_image' => '161-881', 'legend' => '', 'reduction_type' => 0, 'is_gift' => false, 'reduction' => 0.0, 'reduction_without_tax' => 0.0, 'price_without_reduction' => 75.95, 'specific_prices' => array(), 'stock_quantity' => 2, 'price_without_reduction_without_tax' => 63.823529, 'price_with_reduction' => 75.95, 'price_with_reduction_without_tax' => 63.823529, 'total' => 63.82, 'total_wt' => 75.95, 'price_wt' => 75.95, 'reduction_applies' => false, 'quantity_discount_applies' => false, 'allow_oosp' => 0, 'features' => array(array('id_feature' => '1', 'id_product' => '161', 'id_feature_value' => '7'), array('id_feature' => '2', 'id_product' => '161', 'id_feature_value' => '25'), array('id_feature' => '3', 'id_product' => '161', 'id_feature_value' => '30'), array('id_feature' => '4', 'id_product' => '161', 'id_feature_value' => '44')), 'attributes' => 'Farbe : mittelbraun', 'attributes_small' => 'mittelbraun', 'rate' => 19.0, 'tax_name' => 'MwSt. DE 19%', 'warehouse_list' => array(0), 'in_stock' => true, 'carrier_list' => array('7', '8'))), 4865, object(Context), '004178', '8c4329cf502eea0afbd28115131c5cb5', 'Banküberweisung', 'ps_wirepayment', false, 81.9, 0, 81.9, false, object(OrderState), '10', 7)in PaymentModule.php line 331
at PaymentModuleCore->validateOrder(3233, '10', 81.9, 'Banküberweisung', null, array('{bankwire_owner}' => 'faecherkult.de', '{bankwire_details}' => 'Postbank Dortmund<br /> IBAN DE22 4401 0046 0083 9374 65<br /> BIC PBNKDEFF', '{bankwire_address}' => 'Postbank Dortmund <br /> 44132 Dortmund '), 1, false, '8c4329cf502eea0afbd28115131c5cb5')in validation.php line 64
at Ps_WirepaymentValidationModuleFrontController->postProcess()in Controller.php line 281
at ControllerCore->run()in Dispatcher.php line 515
at DispatcherCore->dispatch()in index.php line 28

Hat Jemand eine Idee ?

Beste Grüße



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