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Get current checkout step into (checkout-process.tpl file)

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I added a progress bar to show checkout steps.
The bar has been added into "checkout-process.tpl" just before this foreach loop.

{foreach from=$steps item="step" key="index"}
  {render identifier  =  $step.identifier
          position    =  ($index + 1)
          ui          =  $step.ui

This is the html code:

<ol id="progress-bar">
  <li class="step-done">Personal info</li>
  <li class="step-done">Address</li>
  <li class="step-active">Shipping</li>
  <li class="step-to-do">Payment</li>

Do you now how can I get current checkout step?
I need it to add "step-" classes based on the step.

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I tried using something like this script but it not working properly, in particular when the checkout skip some steps because already completed.
Instead of using on click funcion I also tried MutationObserver but I got the same result.

$(document).ready(function() {
$("body").click(function() {
	if ($("#checkout-delivery-step").hasClass("-complete")) {
    } else if ($("#checkout-delivery-step").hasClass("-current")) {
    } else if ($("#checkout-addresses-step").hasClass("-current")) {
    } else if ($("#checkout-personal-information-step").hasClass("-current")) {


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  • 1 month later...

Hello @Ali Samie, i'm in the same position as you were but i can't find my way in this problem. Do you have a working example of what you achieved to do ? I need a multi step checkout with step above the content and the ability to move from one step to another but I can't make it work !

Same question for you @DARKF3D3, did you manage to find a way to do what you wanted to do ? I would love to have some example.

Thanks for your help.

Edited by Lucas.S (see edit history)
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11 minutes ago, Ali Samie said:

@Lucas.S just use this line in your templates


then you have access to all steps and their properties. you can then create buttons for next and previous steps

Thanks for your reply @Ali Samie, I tried it but the steps object is private and I it seems that I can't access them easily. Maybe I can use them, but I don't know how ?

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7 minutes ago, Lucas.S said:

Thanks for your reply @Ali Samie, I tried it but the steps object is private and I it seems that I can't access them easily. Maybe I can use them, but I don't know how ?

this is my template for the checkout page at this path


{block name='header_nav'}
  <nav class="header-nav">
    <div class="container">
      <div class="checkout-header">
        <div class="hidden-sm-down" id="_desktop_logo">
        <div class="hidden-md-up text-sm-center mobile">
          <div class="top-logo" id="_mobile_logo"></div>
        <div class="checkout-progress">
          {foreach Context::getContext()->controller->getCheckoutProcess()->getSteps() as $index => $step}
            <div class="{[
                        'checkout-progress-step'   => true,
                        '-current'        => $step->isCurrent(),
                        '-reachable'      => $step->isReachable(),
                        '-complete'       => $step->isComplete(),
                        'js-current-step' => $step->isCurrent()
              <h1 class="step-title js-step-title">


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  • 1 year later...

Still no clear way...


I used this


$rawData = Db::getInstance()
                    ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'cart
                    id_cart = ' . (int) $params['cart']->id
        $data = json_decode($rawData ?? '', true);
        if (!is_array($data)) {
            $data = [];
        $steps = $params['checkoutProcess']


Edited by Ali Samie (see edit history)
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