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Implement a price increase with every sale


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Hi, I'm making a shop for an artist and he has a special request for the price calculation.
What he wants is this: starting with 1 Euro for all products, each subsequent sale makes all products 1 Euro more expensive.

My idea was to set all products to 1 Euro and at sale multiply it by the total products ever sold.
Since I'm new to Prestashop, is there such a value stored in Prestashop?
Even easier would be an already existing module that could do such a thing.

Help would be much appreciated if you can point me to the right direction.
I'm familiar with Javascript and some PHP.

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create a module rather than update ps directly, more info here:  Add one euro to product(s) price at order completion using a hook, here is .doc on hooks

I don't think there is a module that does this until you write it.. :)

for php, it's easy to find withing PS modules or core similar you can port into your module.

happy deving

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