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[SOLVED] Calculate price based on width and length


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I have a product in prestashop which has width and length properties. Is is possible to setup the default prestashop to handle this, or is it possible to add a script for calculating the price?



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You can modify Prestshop's code to include custom logic for calculating the price based on the dimensions of the product. This involves making changes to the product detail page, cart calculations, and possibly the back-end product management section.

You can check if any modules in prestashop marketplace, that would fullfil your requirement. Ref : https://addons.prestashop.com/en/sizes-units/18047-product-price-by-size.html


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Since I posted this question, I have purchased a module called DynamicProduct and also wrote my own module as I got more familiar with PrestaShop. Now all is clear, and I'm able to extend PrestaShop with extra functionality I want.

Thanks for your reply!

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  • Ponzifex changed the title to [SOLVED] Calculate price based on width and length

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